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Privacy Policy Last update 10 months ago

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 6/30/2023

This Privacy Policy describes how Riverlance ("we," "us," or "our") collects, uses, stores, and protects personal information obtained from users ("you" or "users") of our website located at https://riverlance.tn (the "Website"). By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge and agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

1. Personal Information We Collect:

We may collect the following types of personal information from you:

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Full name
  • Username
  • Birthday
  • ID
  • Driver License
  • Passport
  • Proof of residency
  • Bank information
  • Credit card information

2. How We Collect Personal Information:

We collect personal information through account registrations and verification forms on our Website.

3. Purpose of Collection and Use:

The personal information we collect is used solely for the purpose of security.

4. Sharing of Personal Information:

We do not share the collected personal information with any third parties.

5. Retention of Personal Information:

We retain the personal information indefinitely unless requested otherwise by the user.

6. Use of Cookies:

We use cookies to make analytics easier. These cookies are used for tracking website usage patterns and collecting statistical data to improve our services. By using the Website, you consent to the use of these cookies.

7. Security Measures:

We employ highly secured technologies provided by our developers to ensure the security of the personal information we collect.

8. Collection of Information from Minors:

We do not knowingly collect any personal information from individuals under the age of 18. The Website and its services are intended for adult users only.

9. Your Rights:

You have the right to access, correct, and delete your personal information. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

10. International Transfers:

We do not transfer personal information outside of the country.

11. Contact Information:

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information, please contact us at admin@riverlance.tn.